The Company

Bluefish Software provides software design, development and maintenance services to businesses, small and large, using leading technologies available in the market today.

Bluefish use an agile approach to software development, allowing them to deliver new systems and key features in a timely and therefore competitve fashion. Stakeholders will start seeing an almost immediate return on investmest.

Spend time with Bluefish to discuss your ideas and requirements. Call us today.

Bluefish Software was formed by Mark Goldring in February 2008.

Mark Goldring

Mark has always been interested in software development and started coding from a young age on Sinclair ZX Spectrum, Commodore PET, BBC Micro and RM Nimbus machines.

Mark has over 20 years professional experience of delivering solutions to a broad range of industries, including Telecommunications and Heathcare, for both public and private sectors.

scale of our efforts

Projects 177
Code Files 3,949
Lines of Code 769,142
Size of Code 27.3MB